Sensorless Control Method for Switched Reluctance Motors Based on Locations of Phase Inductance Characteristic Points |
Kuang Sijian1,2, Zhang Xiaoping1,2, Liu Ping1,2, Zhang Guanghui1,2, Zhang Zhu2 |
1. National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources Exploration Equipment and Safety Technology Hunan University of Science and Technology Xiangtan 411201 China; 2. College of Information and Electrical Engineering Hunan University of Science and Technology Xiangtan 411201 China |
Abstract A method for estimating the rotor position angle of a switched reluctance motor is proposed, using two adjacent phase inductance characteristic points. When a switched reluctance motor (SRM) appears magnetic saturation, its conduction phase inductances change with the changing conduction phase currents. The accuracy of estimating rotor position using the traditional phase inductance method is susceptible to the influence of magnetic saturation. Therefore, this paper proposes a sensorless position control method for SRM based on the locations of characteristic phase inductance points. The function is established for the phase inductance of an SRM versus its position. The method for determining the non-saturated section of the phase inductance curve is explained. The concept of the characteristic inductance points is presented, and the realization method of estimating the rotor angle of the motor is analyzed. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experiment.
Received: 27 August 2019
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