Design Automation for Electrical Energy Router-Design Workflow Framework and Genetic Algorithm: a Review |
Yuan Liqiang, Lu Zixian, Sun Jianning, Duan Renzhi, Zhao Zhengming |
State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipment Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract Electrical energy routers are promising in energy Internet, ubiquitous electric Internet of Things and other scenarios, and have the features of multi-cascade, multi-port, multi-flow, and multi-modal. These features bring many difficulties to traditional manual design. Design automation for power electronics is expected to overcome the challenges such as difficulty in weighing design objectives, wasting costs on marginal design, time-consuming and labor in hardware iterations, and low degree of design automation. With the rapid development of wide bandgap devices, rapid iteration of computer performance, and extension and refinement of converter application scenarios, design automation for power electronics is expected to achieve design integration, refinement and rapidity. The electrical energy router design problem can be abstracted as a multidisciplinary optimization problem with poor mathematical nature and large scale. Regarding such optimization problems, genetic algorithms have better performance than the traditional optimization algorithms. Based on a systematic summary of the current mainstream design workflow and design software architecture, this paper analyzes the applicability of genetic algorithms to solve design automation problems of power electronics, summarizes the potential problems and challenges in design automation for electrical energy routers, and gives corresponding suggestions.
Received: 11 August 2019
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