Inductance Calculation for Pulsed Magnets |
Xiao Houxiu, Li Liang |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract The analytic method is more powerful transplantable capability and much higher computation efficiency than the FEA method, this is why the analytic methods are usually used in pulsed magnets designing programs. This paper will discuss the analytic methods of calculating the inductance of both coil magnets and tape magnets. An improved analytic method for the inductance calculation of coil magnets presented in this paper can make the calculating speed much faster than that of the conventional method. This paper also presents a new analytical method for calculating the inductance of tape magnets. All the calculation results obtained by the analytic methods presented in this paper show a good agreement with the experimental results.
Received: 20 June 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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