Anti-Aging Characteristics of Dielectric and Energy Storage of High Dielectric Polypropylene Based Nanocomposite Films |
Ye Runfeng, Pei Jiayao, Zheng Mingsheng, Dang Zhimin |
State Key Laborotary of Power System Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract A polypropylene-based composite film with improved dielectric property was studied by comparing with the biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films of German Treofan company and China Baizheng company. The effects of heat aging behavior of three types of films on the film structural changes and dielectric properties were studied. It was found that both the relative dielectric constant and loss of BOPP increased with the aging time, while the relative dielectric constant of composite films decreased. In addition, the energy storage characteristics of all three samples decreased with the increase of heat aging time. The results show that the relative dielectric constant and energy density of the high-k polypropylene composite films are better than those of two BOPP films. Therefore, the high-k polypropylene nanocomposite film is a dielectric film with high relative dielectric constant and good energy storage performance, which can be used to prepare film capacitors with high energy storage density.
Received: 05 July 2019
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