Research of the Electric Spring about Dual-Loop Decoupling Control and Effective Operation Range |
Jia Hefei1, He Yingjie1,2, Cai Yuxi1, Zhang Zheng3, Liu Jinjun1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 2. Department of Energy Aalborg University Aalborg DK-9200 Denmark; 3. School of Mechanical Engineering Xi′an Jiaotong University Xi′an 710049 China; |
Abstract Electric Spring, a converter applied in load side, forms the smart load with the noncritical load to regualte load power consumption and stabilize the critical load voltage. It is mainly embeded in the distributed power systems with large amounts of renewable energy sources, and can effectively deal with the issues resulting from the intermittency and instability of renewable energy source. In this paper, the application background and the basic operation principle were introduced firstly. Moreover the theoretical analysis of the reason why the electric spring can adjust the voltage was carried out. Then the shortcomings of the existing control method were introduced. A control method based on the synchronous rotating coordinate system was proposed, which can make the DC-side voltage of ES and the critical voltage stabilize at the reference value and has the decoupling effects. Finally according to the circuit model of single-phase ES in the system, the equation about the relationship between the critical load voltage and other circuit parameters was derived. The influence of noncritical load and supply voltage on the effective operation range of the ES was analyzed through the Matlab. And the experimental platform was also set up to verify the proposed control method under the capacitive mode and the inductive mode respectively, which proved the correctness and effectiveness of the control method.
Received: 14 June 2019
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