Study on Polarization Characteristics and Rapid Detection Method of Micro Water Content in the Terahertz Band Containing Micro-Water Oil-Immersed Insulating Paperboard |
Yin Jing, Cheng Li, Wang Hanqing, Liao Ruijin, Cheng Zhidong |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract The water content detection of oil paper is an important means to study the insulation state of transformers. In order to study the polarization behavior of oil-paper insulation in the terahertz frequency band and realize the rapid and non-destructive detection of water content in oil paper, this paper tested the oil-immersed insulating paperboard with different water contents by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. The absorption of terahertz incident waves by water in the oil paper was studied. Then, the complex dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the samples in the terahertz band were calculated according to the related optical theory and the generalized Maxwell relationship. In addition, the Debye relaxation models were used to further analyze the polarization characteristics of water molecules in oil paper. Finally, based on the theory of polar liquid relaxation and resonance polarization, the terahertz test results of micro-water-oil paper were fitted. The results show that the water molecules in the oil paper will undergo relaxation polarization and resonance polarization in the terahertz band. With higher stiffness, the resonant polarization of cellulose-water molecules cause by the hydrogen bonds is weaker than that by water-water molecules. Thus, the resonance term amplitude Aosc can not only evaluate the water content of the oil paper, but also characterize its polarization behavior and moisture state.
Received: 05 July 2019
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