A Proposal for Investment Recovery of TCSC Device Based on Electrical Dissecting Method |
Wu Yingjun, Tang Yi, Li Yang |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract FACTS devices can be utilized to alleviate or eliminate the electric network congestion. Reasonable and effective cost recovery mechanism is necessary for the utilization of FACTS. Based on the idea of “sharing the responsibility”, a new cost allocation method of FACTS devices is proposed in this paper, by which the cost of FACTS is allocated among all the trading participants according to their own responsibility factors of congestion. Electrical dissection method is used to analyze who has caused the congestion and obtain their responsibility factors quantificationally. A modified IEEE 30-bus system is used to validate this paper’s method and the results show it is reasonable and effective.
Received: 14 July 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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