Research Status and Development Trend of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Wireless Power Transmission System |
Shen Dong, Du Guiping, Qiu Dongyuan, Zhang Bo |
School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China |
Abstract Starting from the theoretical analysis of electromagnetic compatibility, this paper firstly introduces the current modeling method of electromagnetic environment of WPT system. Then it probes into the compatibility and security of electromagnetic environment of WPT system from the following two perspective: the influence of external environment on WPT system and the influence of WPT system on external environment. In order to effectively suppress the electromagnetic interference effects of WPT system, the electromagnetic shielding technology and the spread spectrum technology, which are representative at present, are reviewed in detail. Finally, according to the current application requirements and research status of WPT system, the future is presented from the prospects of the electromagnetic compatibility problems in mechanism analysis, medium impact, ubiquitous WPT system and dynamic WPT system.
Received: 09 July 2019
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