Contingency Screening and Ranking Based on Optimal Multiplier Power Flow Evaluation |
Zhang Yongjun1, Cai Guanglin1, 2, Qiu Wenfeng2 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China 2. Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Guangzhou 510600 China |
Abstract A fast contingency screening and ranking method for voltage stability security assessment is proposed. The proposed method could trace from the pre-contingency critical point, using optimal multiplier power flow method to obtain the stability boundary point, the post-contingency critical point is estimated from it. The estimate precision is guaranteed by only one iteration step if the start point is close to the critical point, then the non-critical contingencies are quickly identified. To guarantee the computation precision of severe contingencies and some special case contingencies, this paper analyzes them in detail and solving method are also proposed. Numerical simulations on a practical China 703 bus system show that the proposed method is effective.
Received: 15 April 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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