Wireless Power Transfer System for Multiple Loads |
Luo Chengxin, Qiu Dongyuan, Zhang Bo, Xiao Wenxun, Chen Yanfeng |
School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China |
Abstract Wireless power transfer (WPT) for multiple loads technology is one of the research hotspots in recent years. In view of its load diversity, multi-direction, control complexity and other problems, this paper reviewed and analyzed the existing technologies systematically. Firstly, according to the transmitting mode, shape and structure of transmitting coil, the WPT system for multiple loads is divided into plane coil class, space coil class and non-coil class. The characteristics of single input multiple output type, multiple input multiple output type and multiple output with relay coils of planar coil type are further analyzed. Besides, the characteristics of multi-coil orthogonal type, rotating coil type, single-wire three-dimensional coil type, multi-coil three-dimensional type and Helmholtz coil type of the space coil class are studied. Meanwhile, the characteristics of cavity resonant type and microwave transmission type are discussed. Then, the transmitter structure, transmission principle and transmission characteristics of different types of the WPT system for multiple loads are compared, and their applicable occasions are proposed. Finally, the technical bottleneck of WPT system for multiple loads is analyzed, and the future development is prospected.
Received: 03 June 2019
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