Analysis and Calculation of DC Side Short-Circuit Current of High-Speed Staggered Pole Hybrid Excitation Generator |
Lü Zhiyong, Wang Dong, Lin Nan, Wei Kun, Yi Xinqiang |
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract In order to improve the calculation accuracy of the short-circuit current on the DC side of the high-speed staggered pole hybrid excitation synchronous generator (HESG), a dynamic mathematical model of the generator was established by setting up damped winding loops on dq-axis respectively, which could take into account the eddy current effect of stator magnetic sleeve, solid shaft, permanent magnet and iron core pole at the same time. Based on this, the expressions of transient, subtransient inductance and short-circuit current were derived. By comparing with the short-circuit current test results of a high-speed staggered pole HESG, the validity of the model was verified, and the causes of the error were analyzed. It is pointed out that the dynamic saturation phenomenon caused by the staggered-pole structure during the short-circuit process of the generator is one of the main reasons of the error.
Received: 17 May 2019
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