A Novel Low-Cost Dynamic Var Compensator and Two-Level Collaborative Optimization Method |
Shuai Zhikang, Luo An, Wu Chuanping |
Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract To realize energy-saving in distribution grid with low cost, this paper proposes a hybrid var compensator (HVC). The new topology consists of a small capacity DSTATCOM and multi-groups TSC. They work together to realize dynamic var compensation with low cost. Based on the principle analysis of HVC, the control methods of HVC are processed. A compound control strategy based on expert decision is proposed to make sure that the HVC can compensate reactive power with high speed and large capacity. Simultaneously a study about how to optimize when multi-groups HVCs are working is processed in this paper, it proposes by using a new arithmetic called two level coordinated optimization compensation to obtain the optimal reactive power quantity required by any compensation equipment, so as to fulfill the global optimization energy-saving. A dynamic energy-saving system with lost cost has been developed for a melt-factory in northern China, experimental results show that compared to the traditional reactive power compensation equipment, this system can obtain a better effect for energy-saving.
Received: 28 May 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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