Research on Winding Current of UHV Transformer under DC-Bias |
Li Bing, Wang Zezhong, Liu Ke, Yang Xiaoxiao, Li Mingyang |
Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage & EMC North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract To analyze the DC bias effects on winding current of ultra-high voltage (UHV) transformer with high accuracy and reduced transient process, the field-circuit coupling model of UHV transformer is established based on the edge finite element method. In the magnetic field model, the dynamic inductance is calculated according to the energy increment principle according to the energy disturbance principle. The transient partial differential equation model of circuit is established by using the dynamic inductance parameters in the circuit model and solved by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Due to the characteristic of large inductance to small resistance in UHV autotransformer, which can easily lead to not only a long transient process but also the inundation of the small DC voltage relative to the 1000 kV AC voltage during the iterative calculation. By adding series resistance in the circuit model, the transient process is greatly shortened, and the calculation deviation caused by increasing series resistance value is effectively eliminated by voltage iterative compensation. The excitation currents and winding currents of UHV transformer under the influence of DC bias are calculated, and the influence of different DC bias currents on the windings of UHV transformer is also analyzed. The correctness of the model is verified by a scale-reduced transformer.
Received: 21 March 2019
Published: 07 April 2020
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