Stator Flux Linkage and Rotor Speed Observation for PMSM DTC Based on EKF |
Liu Yingpei, Wan Jianru, Shen Hong, Li Guangye, Yuan Chenhu |
Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract There are big ripples in motor drive on current and flux linkage and torque when using traditional direct torque control (DTC). System with speed sensor has lower reliability and higher system cost. To solve these problems, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) was established to estimate stator flux linkage and motor speed, thus speed sensorless direct torque control for surface permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) was realized. Rapid torque response and strong robustness of direct torque control method are still maintained. Ripples on current and flux linkage and torque are dramatically reduced. In the mean time, the system based on EKF is robust to motor parameters variation and load disturbance. The dynamic and static system performance are dramatically improved. The experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.
Received: 18 June 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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