Loss Model and Efficiency Optimization Control Scheme of Linear Induction Motor |
Ren Jinqi, Li Yaohua, Wang Ke |
Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080 China |
Abstract Linear induction motor (LIM) has good direct drive ability though the efficiency is poorer compared to its rotary counterpart. The motor model including iron loss under synchronous coordination is established and variable motor loss function is deduced in the paper, the iron loss resistance is paralleled with primary magnetizing branch instead of mutual magnetizing branch to include the primary leakage inductance influence on the motor loss. The efficiency optimized control (EOC) algorithm based upon the motor loss model is proposed. The simulation and experiment are carry out for validation and the results show that the control scheme presented in the paper can significantly improve the motor efficiency when the linear motor is operating under light load condition, and the EOC scheme does not significantly deteriorate the dynamic property of motor operation.
Received: 20 January 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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