Characteristics of Microstructure and Electrical Treeing in PE/MMT Nanocomposites |
Zhang Xiaohong, Gao Junguo, Zhang Jinmei, Liu Jiayin, Ji Quanquan |
Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150040 China |
Abstract Electrical tree is a crack phenomenon happened in polymer materials, and is an electrical aging phenomenon that seriously threatens operation safety of power equipment, in which take polymer as main insulation material. For analyzing montmorillonite’s inhibitory effects to electrical treeing in polyethylene, polyethylene/montmorillonite (PE/MMT) composites are prepared by means of melting intercalation process, and the result of scanning electron microscopy(SEM) shows that the MMT slices with nanosize in thickness is dispersed in the PE. The characteristics of electrical treeing in the PE and the PE/MMTcomposites are investigated (e.g. the growth rate, fractal dimension), and finally the results confirm that the PE/MMT nanocomposites can effectively inhibite the formation and growth of electrical treeing.
Received: 13 May 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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