Input Voltage Sharing Control Strategy for Input-Series and Output-Parallel Converter Under Extreme Conditions |
Yan Hong, Ruan Xinbo, Chen Wu |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract Input-series and output-parallel (ISOP) converter is very suitable for high input voltage and high power applications. Input voltage sharing (IVS) and output current sharing (OCS) of the modules among the ISOP converter should be ensured. Firstly this paper analyzes the reasons resulting in un-sharing input voltage of the ISOP converter under extreme conditions, then improves input voltage sharing control strategy to realize the input voltage sharing at light-load and output current limiting at short circuit, and a power-adjustable auxiliary circuit is introduced to keep the module input voltage within limits easily and effectively. The experimental results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies and auxiliary circuit.
Received: 20 October 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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