Protection Scheme Based on the Identification of Equivalent Leakage Inductance Against Turn-to-Turn Fault of Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactor |
Liu Xiaoxiao1, Zheng Tao1, Huang Ting2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Source North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Nanchang Power Supply Company State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company Nanchang 330002 China |
Abstract Due to the advancement of large-scale continuously regulated capacity, magnetically controlled shunt reactor (MCSR) is one of the key elements used in EHV/UHV transmission systems for reactive power compensation and overvoltage suppression. The turn-to-turn fault is a common fault of MCSR, however due to its special core structure and winding connection mode, there is a complex electromagnetic coupling relationship between the fault winding and the non-faulty winding, which makes the accurate identification of the turn-to-turn fault more challenging. In order to solve this problem, a novel protection scheme against turn-to-turn fault of MCSR based on the identification of equivalent leakage inductance was proposed. Based on the equivalent circuit of voltage loops of power winding and control winding and compensation winding, parameter identification model of the corresponding equivalent leakage inductance was derived, and then solved by recursive least squares method. A new protection scheme based on the variation rate of equivalent leakage inductance parameters and the difference of three-phase equivalent leakage inductance was constructed. In addition, the scheme can further detect the fault winding based on the magnitude relationship of the equivalent leakage inductance parameters after the fault occurs. The effectiveness of the protection scheme was verified through simulation analysis based on Matlab/Simulink.
Received: 17 November 2018
Published: 17 January 2020
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