Forward-Mode Three-Level AC/AC Converter |
Wei Zheng1, 2, Li Lei2 |
1. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing 210061 China 2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing 210094 China |
Abstract A circuit topology of the forward-mode three-level AC/AC converter is proposed. The kind of circuit topologies are constituted of three-level converter, high frequency transformer, and output cycloconverter. The converter has the advantages such as simple topology, two-stage power conversions, bidirectional power flow, high frequency electrical isolation, three-level voltage across the output filter, and so on. The circuit structure is used for transferring the unstable ac voltage with high THD into a regulated constant frequency sinusoidal voltage. The converters lay the key technical foundation on new-type electronic transformers, regulated sinusoidal ac power supplies and ac regulators. The operation modes, steady principles and control strategy of the proposed converter are investigated in the paper, and the converter is compared with the conventional forward-mode two-level converter. The correction and advance of the kind of converters are verified by principle test.
Received: 21 August 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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