The Rapid Detection and Countermeasures for Network Voltage Interruption in Electric Multiple Units |
Zhang Gang1, 2, Guo Changjun1, Hao Fengjie1, Liu Zhigang1, 2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 2. Beijing Rail Transit Electrical Engineering Technology Research Center Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The interruption of the network voltage caused by the pantograph off-line has a serious adverse impact on the long-term safe and reliable operation of the electric multiple units (EMU) converter system and potential safety hazards. This paper introduces the system configuration and grid-side converter current control method based on the existing traction system of EMU. The influence of network voltage interruption to the system is also analyzed. Two fast detection methods for network voltage interruption are proposed, which are called “detection method based on active current determination” and “detection method based on change of phase angle of phase-locked loop”. Some solutions are introduced to suppress current surge when network voltage recover. A network voltage interruption simulation experiment platform is set up. Through a network voltage interruption simulation scheme, the feasibility of the rapid detection method of network voltage interruption proposed in this paper, and the effectiveness of current impact suppression measures are provided, which provide the technology for the safe and reliable operation of the EMU traction system under the condition of non ideal flow.
Received: 05 July 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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