Energy Management Strategy of Tram with Hybrid Energy Storage System Based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle |
Li Feng, Yang Zhongping, Wang Yu, An Xingkun, Lin Fei |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The energy management strategy (EMS) of tram with hybrid energy storage system has a great influence on the running performance and economic benefits of the tram. This paper proposed an optimization method for EMSs based on the principle of minimum values. Firstly, the topology selection of trams’ energy storage system had introduced, and the models and parameters of the energy storage components were selected. Then, based on an existing line condition, the paper used particle swarm optimization algorithm to obtain the appropriate capacity configuration results. On this basis, a cost model of operating loss was established, and the EMS of the hybrid energy storage system was optimized using the Pontryagin’s minimum principle (PMP). The simulation verification work was performed through the Matlab/Simulink, and the test was carried out on the 90kW hybrid energy storage test platform. The simulation results show that the economic cost can be reduced by about 8% compared with the energy management strategy before optimized. The experiment proves the flexibility and effectiveness of the strategy.
Received: 28 June 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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