Research on a Pulse Dead Zone Compensation Method |
Ni Ruizheng1, 2, Li Ting1, 2, Chen Jie1, 2, Liu Zhigang1, 2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 2. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Electrical Rail Transit Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Dead-time effect exists in the control of power electronics devices widely. The existence of dead-time not only affects the accuracy of the output voltage and the harmonic characteristics of the output current, but also causes the instability of the system in some conditions. In this paper, the dead-time compensation of the inverter is analyzed in detail, and a pulse-based dead-time compensation method is proposed, considering the effects of dead time, switching delay and on-off loss on the output voltage and current. The compensation scheme is based on the judgment of the motor current direction, which is different from the traditional scheme of delay compensation only on the rising edge. The actual acting pulse in each switching cycle is compensated to ensure the accuracy of the output voltage while reducing the output current harmonics. Using the 300kW high power back-to-back motor platform to verify, the experimental results and simulation platform data prove the feasibility of the compensation scheme.
Received: 04 July 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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