Solution of Inverse Problem of the Standing Wave of "100Hz" Pure Tone Generated by AC Transmission Line |
Wei Lijing1,3, Zhang Yemao1,2, Zhou Wenjun3, Li Pengfei4, Lu Yao1,2 |
1. China Electric Power Research Institute Wuhan 430074 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection Wuhan 430074 China; 3. School of Electric Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 4. School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Pingdingshan University Pingdingshan 467000 China |
Abstract The audible noise generated by the AC transmission line includes broadband noise and "100Hz" pure acoustic noise. Because of the reflection of the earth, the standing wave of the pure tone is generated. In order to evaluate the pure acoustic noise source, in this paper, a power traceability method of "100Hz" pure tone based on particle swarm optimization is proposed. Firstly, the "100Hz" pure sound standing wave generated by the double-loop transmission line of the same tower is modeled and calculated. On this basis, a method is proposed to invert the sound power generated by the phase conductors of the transmission line from the sound pressure value near the ground. That is, on the cross section of the line, the points of several points are selected at a certain height, and the complex coefficient equations are obtained according to the propagation characteristics. The numerical solution of the equations was obtained by the improved particle swarm algorithm. The pseudo-solution could be eliminated effectively by increasing the number of equations. The results show that the "100Hz" pure sound power can be accurately reversed by the above method. In the case of this example, the absolute error is less than 2.66×10-7dB.
Received: 10 September 2018
Published: 11 December 2019
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