Reducing Common Mode Noise in Flyback Converter |
Liu Yan, Dong Guangdong, Zhang Fanghua |
College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 210016 China |
Abstract As the frequency of the switching mode power supply (SMPS) tends to be higher and the size of SMPS tends to be smaller, the electromagnetic interference (EMI), which is caused by the switching of power semiconductor device, has become more serious. The common mode (CM) noise source and CM noise propagation path of flyback converter are analyzed, then the CM noise model of converter is established. Based on the distributed capacitance model of transformer, the influence of the CM noise through the path of the ferrite core is analyzed quantitatively. A quantitative analysis method for two kinds of CM noise suppression measures, incomplete shielding layer and balanced winding, is proposed. The incomplete shielding layer can be further divided into incomplete-width and incomplete-length shielding layer for different structural parameters. The x-y axis coordinate system of the transformer is established, then the expression of electric potential distribution along winding is obtained. Based on the cancellation of common mode displacement current, the calculation method of width or length of the incomplete shielding layer and the turns of the balanced winding is given. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of proposed method and the accuracy of the calculation method.
Received: 09 October 2018
Published: 28 November 2019
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