Unified AC/DC Power Supply Calculation Taking into Account Urban Rail Inverter Feedback Devices |
Liu Wei, Lou Ying, Zhang Jian, Ye Xiaowen, Zhou Ruibing |
School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract The calculation of the power supply for the urban rail inverter feedback devices plays an important role in the system design and energy-saving evaluation of the inverter feedback devices. In this paper, the algorithm of unified AC/DC power flow calculation for urban rail considering the voltage fluctuation coefficient on the AC side and the multi-state switching of the traction substations was proposed. In order to evaluate the energy-saving effect of the inverter feedback devices, the system-level energy-saving effect evaluation index of the inverter feedback devices considering the trains departure density and the full-day running plan was proposed. An instance of a subway project was used as an example of power supply calculation. In the case of full-line installation of inverter feedback devices, the fluctuation of the traction network voltage has been significantly improved, and the highest rail potential decreases by 40.94%. When the load rate of the line is 0.2, the system-level energy-saving rate of the inverter feedback system is 8.71%, and the energy saving effect is significant.
Received: 05 July 2018
Published: 30 October 2019
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