Three Phase Unbalanced Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Rectifier Based on Virtual Impedance |
Miao Huiyu1, Mei Fei2, Zhang Chenyu3, Yang Yun1, Zheng Jianyong1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210000 China; 2. College of Energy and Electrical Engineering Hohai University Nanjing 211100 China; 3. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Ltd Research Institute Nanjing 211103 China |
Abstract With the increase penetration of power electronic devices, the reserve capacity and moment of inertia of the system are greatly reduced. The virtual synchronous machine (VSM) technology can greatly improve the stability of the system. But at present, the VSM technology is mainly aimed at the running mode under the ideal power grid, and cannot operate normally when the three-phase imbalance occurs. Based on the VISMA model, a virtual synchronous rectifier model is built in thepaper. The power is unbalanced for power grid, and the positive and negative sequence decoupling is realized. The positive and negative sequence components are detected by complex filter. By changing the virtual impedance of the electrical part in the model, the reactive power control module is adjusted adaptively to ensure the stability of the load voltage of the DC side. A simulation model based on Matlab/Simulink is built to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method, and the experimental verification is based on dSPACE.
Received: 11 June 2018
Published: 20 September 2019
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