Interruptible Load Based on Deposit Mechanism Considering Uncertainty of Customer Behavior |
Xu Qingshan1, Liu Mengjia1, Dai Weiying1, Huang Yu1, Yang Bin2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China; 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Company Nanjing 210028 China |
Abstract With the continuously increase of electricity demand as well as peak-valley differences of the power system, interruptible load (IL) has become a significant part of demand side management in the electricity market. Based on the theory of customer behavior, an uncertainty model of customer behavior was proposed. Considering the reform course and current situation of electricity market in China, the contents and implementation rules of interruptible load contract based on deposit mechanism were proposed by introducing the idea of power score into mechanism design. By converting electric power to power scores, the deposit and appreciated function can be realized. Furthermore, an interruptible event decision model considering benefits of both the subscribed customers and the power company was proposed based on the proposed deposit mechanism, which can achieve optimal incentive level and optimal benefit expectation by the use of Monte Carlo simulation. Results of case study have verified the effectiveness of the above-mentioned model by comparing with the traditional interruptible load method. The impact of different scenarios on interruptible event decisions was analyzed as well.
Received: 09 July 2018
Published: 13 August 2019
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