Drive Control and Fault-Tolerant Operation of Fifteen Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors |
KuangZhi, DuBochao, XuHao, Zhao Tianxu, Cui Shumei |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract In order to further improve the fault tolerance of multiphase motor systems, a star-connected 3×5phase permanent magnet synchronous motor with three neutral points independent of each other was proposed. The decoupling control and the current optimal hysteresis fault-tolerant control were performed directly on the five-phase winding with one-phase open-circuit fault. Firstly, the stator voltage and flux equation of 3×5 phase PMSM were analyzed and the three dq axis vector control model was established. Secondly, Under the fault-tolerant condition of one phase open circuit, the implementation between the five-phase six-bridge arm space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) control and current hysteresis control was compared, and the phase current harmonics of the two were analyzed. Finally, FPGA-based fifteen-phase PMSM drive control and fault-tolerance experimental platform was established to solve multiple PWM output synchronization and port limitation issues. Simulation and experimental results verify the correctness of the established motor control model and theoretical analysis of fault-tolerant control.
Received: 01 July 2018
Published: 17 July 2019
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