Decentralized Robust Control of Uncertain Interconnected Power Systems |
Chen Rouyi, Zhang Yao, Zhong Qing, Guo Li |
South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China |
Abstract A new approach is proposed to design decentralized robust controllers for uncertain interconnected power systems. Value bounded form is introduced to describe uncertainties so that parameter uncertainties can represent engineering practice and simplify controller solving procedure. The solution of controllers is obtained from solutions of a series of matrix inequalities. Homotopy method is applied to solve these matrix inequalities via transforming a nonlinear inequality into two groups of linear inequalities by defining different variables as constants. The test results show that the controllers conform to system robust stability criterion, provide good damping torque to power system oscillations, satisfy the preassigned performance index and provide interconnected power systems good ability.
Received: 03 January 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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