Design of Reentrant Cooling Channel in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Considering Temperature Field and Flow Field |
Wu Boxi1, Wan Zhenping1, Zhang Kun1, Xi Rongsheng2, He Maoxing2 |
1. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510641 China; 2. Kinetek DeSheng (Shunde, Foshan) Motor Co. Ltd Foshan 528000 China |
Abstract Based on the reentrant cooling channel which is widely used in permanent magnet synchronous motor, the temperature and water pressure of motor are simulated by a numerical simulation model of fluid and solid coupling for a 68 kW motor, and the motor temperature and water pressure experiments are carried to verify the accuracy of the model. Then the flow characteristics of fluid in the channel is analyzed by using this model, and the relationship between width of the water channel, channel radius and the pressure drop are established. When the width of inlet water channel is 45 mm and the fillet radius of the channel is 20 mm, the pressure drop of the channel is minimum, and the temperature rise of the motor is improved. After the optimization of the channel structure parameters, the temperature rise and pressure drop test of the prototype are carried out, temperature rise of the optimized motor winding is reduced by 8.4℃ and the water pressure drop of the channel is reduced by 13.1%.
Received: 31 October 2017
Published: 14 June 2019
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