Electrical Consumer Behavior Model: Basic Concept and Research Framework |
Wang Yi1, Zhang Ning1, Kang Chongqing1, Xi Weiming2, Huo Molin3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation EquipmentTsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2. State Grid (Suzhou) Urban Energy Research Institute Suzhou 215010 China 3. State Grid Energy Research Institute Co. Ltd Beijing 102209 China |
Abstract With the increasing integration of renewable energy and the advancement of the electric power market, broad interaction between consumers and systems, which is an effective way to provide flexibility to the power system and realize personalized consumer service, become an inevitable requirement of the development of future smart grid. Meanwhile, information acquisition devices such as smart meters are gaining popularity. The "cyber-physical-social" deep coupling characteristic of the power system becomes more prominent. Breakthroughs are needed to analyze the electrical consumer, where, combining physical-driven and data-driven approaches is an important trend. This paper decomposes consumer behavior into five basic aspects from the sociological perspective: behavior subject, behavior environment, behavior means, behavior result, and behavior utility. On this basis, the concept of consumer behavior model is proposed. Finally, the research framework for electrical consumer behavior model is analyzed.
Received: 22 January 2019
Published: 29 May 2019
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