A Distributed Stochastic Optimization Method for Planning Transmission and Distribution Systems |
Liu Jia1, Cheng Haozhong1, Yao Liangzhong2, Zhang Jianping3, Zhang Xiaohu3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion Ministry of EducationShanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China 3. State Grid Company East China Division Shanghai 200120 China |
Abstract The high penetration of renewable energy sources is a main feature of future power systems, which causes the flexible bi-directional power and energy flows, and improves the coupled properties of physical connection between transmission and distribution systems. This paper presented a distributed stochastic optimal planning method for hybrid transmission and distribution systems. With the consideration of uncertainties related to renewable energy sources and load injection, the coordinated transmission and distribution optimal planning problem was decomposed into a transmission planning subproblem and a series of distribution planning subproblems using distributed optimization modelling methodology under the premise of the consistency of shared information between transmission and distribution systems. For distribution planning subproblem, the second-order cone programming model for distribution systems was formulated based on distflow equations and constraint relaxation. The proposed model was handled using the distributed optimization algorithm with bi-level loop iteration. Respectively from the perspectives of transmission and distribution level, simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method comparing the solutions of coordinated planning and independent planning.
Received: 16 March 2018
Published: 29 May 2019
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