A Fault Line Detection Algorithm for Distribution Network of Overhead Line and Underground Cable Mixed Lines Using S-Transform Energy From Short Window Data |
Shu Hongchun1, Peng Shixin2 |
1. Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650051 China 2. Kunming Power Supply Bureau in Yunnan Power Grid Kunming 650011 China |
Abstract As known, earth inductance per unit length of overhead-cable mixed lines is smaller than that of overhead line, while earth capacitance per unit length of overhead-cable mixed lines is larger than that of overhead line. When single-phase-to-ground fault occur to the short overhead line in the distribution network of overhead line and underground cable mixed lines, the comparability of zero sequence current of the lines in good condition is weakened. In contrast, the zero sequence current of the lines in good condition and fault lines is similar. For this reason, the correlation analysis method seems to failure in the fault line detection. An approach to the solution of this problem is presented under the analyzing the variance of fault characteristic frequency of zero sequence current in each feeder line in the distribution network of overhead line and underground cable mixed lines. In order to avoid the effect of TA's disconnection angle, the short window data of first 1/4 cycle are selected. The S-transform is carried out to determine the main characteristic frequency of fault zero sequence current. Then, the fault line is detected by S-transform energy at main characteristic frequency of zero sequence current in each feeder line. The theoretic analysis and simulations demonstrate the feasibility and validity of this approach.
Received: 15 January 2009
Published: 17 February 2014
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