Zoom-Prony's Method and Its Application in Quantitative Evaluation of Induction Machine Rotor Broken-Bar Fault |
Fang Fang1, 2, Yang Shiyuan2, Hou Xinguo1, Wu Zhengguo1 |
1. Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China 2. Tsinghua University Beijing 100081 China |
Abstract In motor current signal analysis (MCSA) based fault diagnosis, quantitative evaluation of induction machine rotor broken-bar fault is allowed if the frequencies, amplitudes and phases of the fundamental side-band components aroused by rotor broken-bar fault are known. There are a lot of harmonics and noise in the stator current, and the amplitudes of the fault feature components are small. So it is difficult to evaluate the parameters of these fault feature components correctly by Prony's method which is sensitive to noise. In this paper, the Zoom-Prony's method is proposed to derive the fundamental side-band components to evaluate the broken-bar fault quantitatively, in which the Prony's method and zooming technique are conjugated to analyze the spectrum in a given narrow bandwidth. The zooming technique improves the Prony's method in both accuracy and speed. In addition, the side-band fault feature components are always whelmed by the fundamental component. In this paper, the proposed method is used twice to diminish the influence of the fundamental component. The validity of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experiment.
Received: 28 August 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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