Capacity Allocation of BESS in Secondary Frequency Regulation with the Goal of Maximum Net Benefit |
Tang Jie1, Li Xinran1, Huang Jiyuan2, Xu Piao1, He Cong1 |
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. State Grid Hunan Electric Power Corporation Limited Changsha Power Supply Company Changsha 410015 China |
Abstract Energy storage power has brought some problems involved in the auxiliary frequency regulation, aiming at the problems, a capacity allocation method of BESS in secondary frequency regulation with the goal of maximum net benefit is proposed. Considering the real-time electricity, reserve power and environmental benefit, the cost-benefit calculation model of full life cycle of BESS is constructed. Then taking the maximum net benefit as the goal, the capacity and the power as the decision variables, and considering the real-time output, the frequency regulation demand constraint and the SOC boundary, the optimization configuration model of BESS is established; Based on the principle of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and considering the limitation of ramp rate of conventional units, this paper designs an initial power instruction allocation method for BESS in secondary frequency regulation; Also this paper gives the flow chart of capacity allocation method assisted by genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed capacity allocation method can not only obtain the capacity allocation scheme that can coordinate the economic benefit and frequency regulation effect, but also obtain the energy storage output power. The output power can be used as a reference scheme of BESS, which improves the engineering practicability of the configuration method.
Received: 29 June 2018
Published: 21 March 2019
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