Effect Mechanism of Green Algae on Surface Morphology and Hydrophobicity of AC Composite Insulator Sheds |
Xie Congzhen1, Li Chaohong1, Zeng Leilei1, Yang Ting2, Xia Yunfeng2 |
1. School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China; 2. Dongguan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Dongguan 523120 China |
Abstract Algal epiphytes on insulators have attracted much attention from experts and scholars both at home and abroad. The effect of algae as a special biological fouling on the performance of composite insulators is not clear. In this paper, 500kV AC composite insulators attached to green algae in Guangdong area are taken as samples. The distribution of green algae on composite insulators was analyzed. Hydrophobic contact angle measurement, EPMA electron probe and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the effect of green algae on the surface of silicone rubber sheds. The inhibition of the migration of hydrophobicity small molecules by the green algae biological layer leads to the complete loss of hydrophobicity in the epiphytic sheds area of green algae. The interaction between the adhesion behavior of green algae cells and the natural aging of silicone rubber makes the sheds surface sheds form a special block microstructure like scale. The green algae adhesion layer can effectively delay the development of cracks and depressions on the sheds surface in depth.
Received: 21 January 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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