A Radial-Torsional Vibration Hybrid Type Ultrasonic Motor With Hollow and Short Cylindrical Structure |
Wang Jian, Guo Jifeng |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract The longitudinal-torsional hybrid type ultrasonic motor offers bigger torque and lower revolution speed compared with other kinds of ultrasonic motors. It can drive devices directly and precisely, so it is adapted to many fields especially in the aeronautics and astronautics as a servo-actuator . Because spread speeds of longitudinal and torsional vibrations are different in the stator, it is difficult to match longitudinal and torsional resonant frequencies. A newly radial-torsional vibration hybrid type ultrasonic motor is put forward, with the hollow and short cylindrical structure. Utilizing longitudinal vibration derived from radial vibration by Poisson effect, it's easy to make first-order radial and first-order torsional frequencies into degeneracy. Firstly, the new motor structure and radial vibration model are established. Then the principle of degenerating is analyzed and the structure of the stator was optimized by ANSYS software. Finally a ?60mm prototype is fabricated and it performes well. The no-load velocity and maximum torque are 25r/min and 5 N•m, respectively. This kind of motor is small, light and non-noisy.
Received: 05 June 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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