Constrained Model Predictive Control for Bidirectional DC-DC Converter of Electric Vehicles |
Xiao Zhiming, Chen Qihong, Zhang Liyan |
School of Automation Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan 430070 China |
Abstract In order to improve the response speed and reliability of bidirectional DC-DC converters in electric vehicles, a constrained model predictive control (MPC) based on particle swarm optimization was proposed to apply to interleaved parallel bidirectional DC-DC converter. Based on the system transfer function, a predictive model for bidirectional DC-DC converter in Buck mode was established. Then, the principle of the constraint model predictive control algorithm was analyzed, and added constraints to control variables. The particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to solve the constraint prediction control optimization problem so that the speed solution was improved. The simulation was carried out with Matlab/Simulink, and the experimental platform was built. The simulation results and experimental results of constraint prediction control, PI control and unconstrained predictive control were analyzed and compared. Simulation and experimental results show that the converter with constrained model predictive control has better dynamic response performance and steady state performance, and the algorithm is feasible and effective.
Received: 08 July 2018
Published: 15 February 2019
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