Mathematical Model and Simulation of Inverter-Permanent Magnet Brushless Motor System |
Shi Wei1, Zhang Zhouyun2, Huang Surong1, Gong Jun2 |
1. College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation of Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 2. Shanghai Ananda Drive Technical Co. Ltd Shanghai 200240 |
Abstract Permanent magnet brushless motor(PMBM) is widely used in driving system of electric vehicle because of its high power density, wide speed regulation and high efficiency. 120° square current for PMBM is simple in control method, but complex in simulation. A kind of simple and useful model for PMBM is the key point for analyzing the torque ripple and upgrading its performance. This paper presents a model of PMBM based on the voltage switch function which covers the dynamic change such as the switching course of the inverter, the current of induction continuation, and the current changing procession. According to the comparison to the simulation result and the experimental result, the model can describe the working proces of the motor. The motor model is useful to analyze the torque ripple and controlling performance of the PM motor, and efficiency of debug PMBM system will be enhanced.
Received: 25 July 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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