Analysis on the Stability of Two-Level Current Mode Switching Power Amplifiers |
Yu Zhonglei, Zhu Changshen |
College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract Two-level pulse width modulation (PWM) current mode switching power amplifiers have been widely used in active magnetic bearing systems. The basic principle and linearized model of the two-level current mode switching power amplifier are presented in this paper. Considering the characteristic of the output ripple current, the influence of ripple current on the stability of switching power amplifier is analyzed, and the critical gains of the proportional current controller designed with either discrete devices or integrated PWM controller are obtained respectively to ensure controller stability. When the proportional current controller is designed with the discrete devices, a method to decrease the output current steady-state error in the low gains by adjusting the offset voltage of triangular carrier is proposed. Simulation and experimental results agree with the theoretical analyses.
Received: 18 September 2017
Published: 29 January 2019
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