A Reduced Order Design Method for Subsynchronous Damping Controller of Multi-PMSGs Parallel Wind Farm |
Su Tianyu, Du Wenjuan, Wang Haifeng |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electric Power Systems with New Energy Resources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Subsynchronous oscillations may occur in the power system connected with PMSG wind farms in parallel configuration. Therefore,a reduced order design method for subsynchronous damping controller of PMSG wind farms in parallel configuration is presented to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system. This subsynchronous damping controller takes the amplitude of the concentrated bus voltage of the wind farm as the input signal, while the output signal is allocated to the GSC control loops of each wind turbine in the PMSG wind farm. The damping control parameters are optimized by the global search algorithm on the basis of the reduced order model of the power system connected with PMSG wind farms in parallel configuration. This method can greatly reduce the dimension of the state matrix and reduce the optimization time. Based on Matlab software, modal analysis and nonlinear simulation analysis are carried out for a power system connected with a PMSG wind farm which consists of 20 wind turbines. The results of modal analysis and nonlinear simulation show that the subsynchronous damping controller of wind farm designed by the reduced order method can suppress the subsynchronous oscillations in different scenarios.
Received: 20 July 2018
Published: 10 January 2019
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