Common Mode Behavior for Z-Source Four-Leg Inverter |
Wang Baocheng, Guo Xiaoqiang, Yang Yong, He Ran, San Guocheng |
School of Electrical Engineering Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract The common mode behavior analysis of transformerless Z-source three-phase four-leg phtotvolatic (PV) inverter is investigated in this paper. Firstly, the common mode loop model is presented. Secondly, the common mode voltage under different switching states and the effect factors regarding the leakage current are analyzed. Thereafter, a new modulation strategy is proposed. The proposed method can achieve boost function as well as constant common mode voltage. Meanwhile, the leakage current can be eliminated in an effective way. Finally, the proposed solution is carried out on the digital control hardware platform. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
Received: 19 January 2017
Published: 29 December 2018
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