Frequency Response Analysis of a Rogowski Coil Transducer and Its Design Method |
Wang Baocheng, Wang Deyu, Wu Weiyang |
Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 |
Abstract In this paper, high frequency behavior for a Rogowski coil is analyzed. Considering the model of the coil frequency response, a design method for the transducer is presented that the damping ratio based on termination resistor divides the frequency band of the coil into three bands: derivation band, proportion band and resonance band. Corresponding outside integrator circuits are built according with every band characteristic. A novel compound integration circuit is described in this paper which is consisted of self-integration, passive RC integration and active RC integration. This compound integrator improvements the measurement upper bandwidth limit of transducer around coil natural frequency. A coil of 100 turns is constructed using compound integrator which is designed under 24Hz~2.8MHz and sensitivity of 1mV/A. Simulation and experimental waveforms verify the transducer operates with both 50Hz grid current and 750A/μs pulse current measurement.
Received: 27 October 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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