Surface Treatment of Epoxy Resin by Sub-Atmospheric-Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge: the Effect on Surface Charge Dissipation and Aging Characteristics |
Ma Yiyang1, 2, Zhang Cheng2, 3, Kong Fei2, Wang Tingting4, Chen Genyong1, Shao Tao2, 3 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Zhenzhou University Zhenzhou 450001 China; 2. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China; 4. CSG Technology Research Center Guangzhou 510663 China |
Abstract Epoxy resin (ER) is widely used as insulation spacer in gas insulated metal enclosed transmission line (GIL). There is a problem that a large amount of surface charges accumulates locally at insulation and is difficult to dissipate, which causes surface flashover and insulation damage. In this paper, the effects of sub-atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on surface charge dissipation and potential distribution of epoxy resin were studied by surface potential measurement system. The high resistance meter was used to monitor resistivity change. Furthermore, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the surface chemical composition. The experimental results show that the surface charge dissipation of epoxy resin is significantly accelerated by DBD with different treatment times (0.5~ 10 minutes). The dissipation rates of treated samples are more than 80% while untreated samples are less than 3.9% in 0~300s. However, the treatment time has slight effect on it. The aging phenomenon is more obvious in 1 day and the charge dissipation rates of 3-min treated samples are about 25% in 0~300s. Aging rate is slow during 1~10 days, and the dissipation rates after 10-days storage are still more than 2 times that those of the untreated ones. The bulk resistivity of newly treated samples decreases by 1~2 orders of magnitude and the surface resistivity decreases by nearly 3 orders of magnitude. With the aging days increasing, the change trend of resistivity is opposite to the charge dissipation rate. After treatment, the value of C/O decreases and the content of polar groups (C-O, C=O) increases in the surface layer. It is concluded that the surface charge mainly dissipates along the surface and plasma affects chemical composition to a relatively shallow depth.
Received: 11 June 2018
Published: 27 November 2018
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