Optimal Scheduling Method of Chance Constrained Programming Based on Discrete Wind Power Probability Sequences |
Xia Peng1, Liu Wenying1, Cai Wantong1, Wang Ningbo2, Liang Chen2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company Lanzhou 730050 China |
Abstract Wind power uncertainty raises the reserve requirement of power system and holds back the consumpation of wind power. However, traditional optimal scheduling method considering wind power uncertainty, has a problem of contradiction between result optimality and method practicability, due to its complex solution and long computing time. Therefore, an optimal scheduling method of chance constrained programming based on discrete wind power probability sequences was presented. A family of Beta distribution probability density functions were used to describe wind power uncertainty, and then were simplified to discrete probability sequences based on the theory of probability sequence operation, and this reduced the complexity of wind power probability distribution. On that basis, an optimal scheduling model of chance constrained programming based on discrete wind power probability sequences was built and solved. That can further simplify calculation, and propose a effective solution to the traditional optimal scheduling problem considering wind power uncertainty. At last, the correctness and effectiveness of the method were verified by the simulation results based on a regional power grid.
Received: 29 November 2017
Published: 12 November 2018
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