Quasi Single Stage Isolated Buck-Boost Mode Multi-Input Inverter |
Jiang Jiahui, Chen Daolian, She Min |
Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350116 China |
Abstract This paper proposes the circuit configuration, circuit topological family and master-slave power management SPWM control strategy with smooth and seamless handover in different power supply modes of quasi single stage isolated Buck-Boost mode multi-input inverter. The circuit configuration, topologies, power management strategy, characteristic of steady principle, duty ratio relationship of the multi-input sources and design criteria for key circuit parameters are fully investigated. The circuit configuration is composed of a bidirectional isolated Buck-Boost converter with multi-input selected switches in series and an unfold bridge, including four topologies such as one-transistor mode. The master-slave power management strategy is composed of n-1 input voltage loops, n power distribution circuits and instantaneous output voltage loop with independent power control, which can realize smooth and seamless handover in different power supply modes. The designed and developed 500V·A DC 80~110V/AC 220V 50Hz prototype of multi-input inverter has excellent performances such as high conversion efficiency, high quality of output waveforms, strong load adaptability, smooth and seamless handover in different power supply modes.
Received: 12 June 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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