Modeling of Pollution Particle Accumulating on Insulator Rough Surface Basing on Collision Dynamic and Its Verification |
Zhang Dongdong1,2, Zhang Zhijin1, Jiang Xingliang1, Hu Jianlin1, Liu Xiaohuan3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. Nangjing Institute of Technology Nanjing 210000 China; 3. Jingmen Power Supply Bureau Jingmen 448000 China |
Abstract The pollution pattern of natural contaminated insulator is very complex and directly associated with the process of pollution particle deposit on insulator surface. Insulator surface contamination is actually the process of pollution layers accumulating, which mostly depends on the interaction between pollution particle and pollution layer. But in relevant researches, the pollution deposit criterion is mostly determined by the collision and adhesion of pollution particles and smooth clean insulator surface. Taking the polluted and rough insulator surface as the research object, this paper analyzed the process of particle agglomeration/separation based on collision dynamics, and subsequently proposed the pollution particle accumulating model. Using the model, the simulation of insulator surface contamination process was presented, and the performance of insulator surface pollution was obtained. Finally, wind tunnel pollution test was carried out to verify the simulation results. It is indicated that the proposed model can well reproduce the pollution deposit situation on insulator surface.
Received: 14 June 2017
Published: 03 September 2018
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