Self-Adaptable and Current Controllable Faulted Line Identification Scheme |
Zhu Ke1, Pei Younan1, Chen Chen2, Xu Wenyuan, Jinan250061China2. Dongying Power Supply Corporation, Dongying257091China) |
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China 2. Dongying Power Supply Corporation Dongying 257091 China |
Abstract In accordance with the identification of the faulted distribution line in our country, this paper presents a novel method that can help to overcome this difficulty. The idea is to implement a temporarily controlled short-circuit on the PT second side open-delta coil when the distribution power system is experiencing a single-phase to ground fault. The result is a controllable ground fault current that is large enough for identifying the faulted line and yet small enough not to cause system problems. The signal detectors in feed line port detect and distinguish the signals and find the faulted line. Results of theoretical analysis, computer simulation and lab experiments have all confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Received: 24 January 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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