Distributed Energy Balancing Control Strategy for Energy Storage System Based on Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter |
Bi Kaitao, Sun Li, An Quntao, Duan Jiandong, Gao Yuge |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract In order to settle the energy balancing issue between energy storage modules and improve the modularity of the cascade storage energy storage system, this paper proposes a distributed energy balancing control strategy. Independent voltage and current closed loops are built in the strategy by making full use of the DC converter modular structure characteristics. For the purpose of making sub-modules balance energy independently, droop control ideology and state of charge (SOC) are adopted in the redesigned current loop. Thus, the sub-module can adjust the operating current according to its SOC, and then realize the automatic adjustment of energy distribution to achieve the purpose of balancing control. In order to reduce the effect of SOC on system current, current correction unit is introduced to improve the current regulation. This strategy has no influence on the ability of ESS to stabilize the DC bus voltage and does not require any communication between modules, so that the system owns complete modular features. At last, the experimental results have verified the proposed strategy.
Received: 14 August 2017
Published: 03 September 2018
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