The Method About Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Power Generation Transaction Dispatch Conformed to Market Mechanism |
Ge Liang1, Xie Yuxiang1, Li Xiangqi2, Chen Qingqi2, Yao Jiangang1 |
1. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China 2. Hunan Electric Power Co. Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract A method about energy saving and emission reduction of power generation transaction dispatch that conforms to the market mechanism is presented in this paper. Through capacity contract trade, this method not only achieves exchange for energy consumption, but also provides the possibility of cost recovery for low efficiency unit. Pricing of variant-cost reflects the energy consumption and the power generation amount is decided by the comprehensive compositor of energy consumption and emission. This method makes the units to participate in energy saving dispatching and capacity contract transaction spontaneously through reasonable settlement method, so as to realize the goal of grid energy saving and emission reduction at the same time. Simulation analysis verifies that the method not only reduces energy consumption of generation and contamination-emission(especially SO2 and CO2 emission), but also stabilizes pool purchase price. Therefore this model possesses high practical value.
Received: 15 October 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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